Who we are
Our management team consists of Scott Holroyd and Erik Stemo who are supported by a dedicated group of professionals.
Scott Holroyd
P.Biol., Senior Fisheries Biologist
Scott has spent his career immersed in the natural world; working with resource-based industries, the public service, and non-government organizations. As a professional fisheries biologist Scott has designed, implemented, and managed numerous aquatic environmental assessments, fisheries monitoring programs, and offsetting/habitat enhancement projects for infrastructure, mining, hydroelectric, and oil and gas sectors. Throughout his career, Scott has worked closely with many highly skilled professionals and has participated in a number of challenging projects that provided him with unique experiences to hone his skills. Scott emphasizes a practical approach in his work, with a focus on bridging the gaps between industry, regulators, and the environment. His hands-on participation with projects and applied science perspective sets Scott apart in the industry and is the cornerstone of the service he provides.
Erik Stemo
P.Biol., Senior Fisheries Biologist
Erik is a professional biologist with 20 years of experience in aquatic resource consulting. Fortunate to have had exceptional mentors early in his career, Erik was exposed to a wide array of projects and was encouraged to participate in all aspects of consulting operations. As a result, Erik developed a strong interest in understanding how best to use technical knowledge gained from fieldwork and data analysis to inform decision-making for proponents and regulators. Previously, Erik served as the president of Pisces Environmental Consulting Services for more than 10 years. He has acted as senior biologist/project manager for numerous large-scale environmental impact assessments for transportation and infrastructure industries, urban expansion, and oil and gas and mining developments. Erik has also been the principal researcher for several long-term fish population-monitoring programs and has implemented multiple fish movement studies using a variety of methods. He is particularly interested in fish habitat enhancement and rehabilitation and has prepared numerous large and small-scale habitat compensation/offset plans in direct liaison with Fisheries and Oceans Canada.